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About Us

Since 1997 establish, , 第一家門市開幕於 1999 ,總部位於加州-Los Angeles 的高島生活館,身為首屈一指的Japanese Variety日系流行精品百貨店,旨在帶給每位顧客「新奇」與「感動」!集結日本品味獨到的精品與繽紛多樣的化妝品,讓每位顧客一踏入店內,就彷彿跨越了17小時的時區般,與日本即時連線,零時差緊密接收最新訊息與產品。

Official 總代理直營門市 Direct Store Concept: SEE . FEEL. TOUCH -Visual Retailer ,此外,高島生活館打造了獨具風格的購物空間與精心設計的陳列擺設,搭配受過專業知識訓練的門市服務人員,使每一位顧客都能在高島生活館親自感受每一樣產品的美好,並且尋找到最適合自己的產品。不管現今或未來,高島生活館將持續帶給更多顧客能度過愉悅時光的舒適購物空間。

Takashima was established in 1997, after opening our flagship store in San Gabriel California 18 years ago , we have since added new concept stores in Arcadia and Cupertino ,Rowland Heights and San Jose; with the for their favorite Japanese brands

Our initial focus was to serve the Asian communities around Los Angeles, and we have done just that by providing the best selection of Japanese beauty merchandise. Our customers base have grown substantially over the years with over 60,000 membership, now people of all races from all over the country come to Takashima stores as iconic visual retailer.

Takashima has been the #1 destination retailer for Japanese beauty merchandise in California for 18 years and we strive for continuous improvements to stay on top. Our goal is to have the most complete selection of top 0er Japanese brands under one roof, we want to “bring Japan to our customers”, where people could feel like they’re in Tokyo as soon as they walk in. We always have customers commenting that our stores have better selection even than the stores in Japan and the price is not much more. And this is exactly what we aim to accomplish: provide the best selection at reasonable pricing is operated by Jcosme international ,Inc